App for orienteering training.
This is simple orienteering training app.To use it you need: smartphone (or tablet), map (.png, .jpg or .gif picture) and some fantasy.For map binding, set coordinates of only two points (in opposite corners, if possible). That’s all. Take smartphone and go training.When you come to map area, turn on smartphone GPS and launch the app. In the simplest way you can see your location on the map and, if necessary, track. If it’s not enough, set route directly in app, choose level (simple – with the track and your location, hard – just map and route), press «Start» and go to first control point. When you will be not far from it, smartphone will play massage sound. Then go to the next CP and so on.App is totally free, no ads.Do not use it at official competitions. Follow the fair play principle.Detailed instructions you can download apk from added and improvements fixed.- Current route distance added- Displaying old georeferenced points- Score (free order)- Geoposition clicks in split view- Track dialog any time after pick control points